Monday, 5 September 2011

The Locals, Cool Housing and Random Animals.

Life in this place moves faster than you might think, but the architecture hasn't changed in hundreds of years. Housing you might think to see long gone is not only well-preserved along the murky waters of the canals, but in fact people still continue to call them home. Modernized a tad over the years of course, but you wouldn't know to look at them. The roof of the house shown below is like most of China, incredibly detailed and artistic ... in even the most humblest of structures.

(Below) Some local ladies pause  for conversation canal-side. They didn't mind me stopping to take a picture, a brief smile and It was as if I wasn't even there.

(Below) I was in now way kidding when I said that the residences really do line the edges of the canals. Many of them literally have a back door that leans straight into the water, so if you are fortunate enough to have a boat, you can manouever around 'town' pretty easily.

(Below) Dogs seemed randomly placed throughout the scenery here. Not appearing to belong to anyone, the dog you see below wandered up ahead of us and promptly laid down..almost in the middle of the walkway to take a rest. Perhaps it belonged to those pleasant elderly ladies from the previous image..?

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